Friday, May 20, 2011

Mom's Gluten Free Flour Mix

While I was growing up, my mom would make BIG batches of this gluten free all purpose flour mix.  She would toss this recipe into a big tupperware container and store in the freezer.  So whenever one of her four children got the hankering for some freshly baked treats, it was easy to grab any ol' cookbook (gluten free or not) and follow a recipe to delicious ends. 

To make life simple, when there some down time, I make a batch of this mix so that next time I have a craving for some freshly baked treats, I can toss together any recipe I want!  If you are not close to a store that provides these ingredients, online outlets like Authentic Foods and Bob's Red Mill will be able to fill the bulk of your order for this recipe, the rest should be easily found in your standard grocery store.

As the title of this recipe infers, this is great for making breads, but it is also excellent as an all purpose flour mix.

Bette’s Four Flour Bread Mix*

24 cups 12 cups
(12 single loaves) (6 single loaves)
Garfava bean flour 6 cups3 cups
Sorghum flour (1/3 part) 2 cups1 cups
Tapioca flour 8 cups4 cups
Cornstarch  (1 part) 8 cups4 cups
Tapioca flour (1 part) 6 cups3 cups
Xanthum gum3 tablespoons3 tablespoons
Salt3 tablespoons3 tablespoons
Egg replacer3 tablespoons3 tablespoons
Unflavored gelatin (optional)6 (7-gram) envelopes3 (7-gram) envelopes
Sugar1 1/2 cups¾ cup

*Resource: The Gluten-Free Gourmet Bakes Bread: More Than 200 Wheat-Free Recipes by Bette Hagman

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